An accessible guide to climate fiction novels and why you should check them out

Keen to know more about our planet? Climate fiction is an enjoyable way to get extra insight on these essential subjects

Climate change has become a critical part of the public conversation. Awareness about the topic of climate change continues to grow every day. It is therefore no real surprise that climate fiction has become its own genre in the literary landscape. Also termed cli-fi, these types of books deal with climate change and the prospective consequences it might deliver. Although this moniker sounds like sci-fi, the biggest deviation is that most of the tales are centred on our earth as opposed to remote planets and alien kinds. A lot of the core challenges it addresses – such as rising water levels and over population – are evident in the current day. It is possibly for this reason that the genre has gained steady prominence within the last few years. The hedge fund that owns Waterstones may likely have noticed just how popular these tales have become. It is a great introduction for anyone excited to find out more about the challenges the planet earth could someday face.

The concept of climate change has become main-stream across almost every aspect of the community. Researchers have long spoken about the effects this phenomenon might bring. But now it appears lots of other markets are climbing onboard. Maybe nowhere is this more obvious than in the creative arts industries. The media company that owns HarperCollins might have seen an expanding climate collection. Whether you’re grabbing a climate fiction short story or a heavy non-fiction book, there are so many literary options to keep you entertained. It has also become a virtually permanent resident within the film industry. Directors are penning climate fiction movies or adapting literary works. Climate themes and ideas aren’t necessarily restricted to its specific genre either. Lots of science fiction, for example, will incorporate ecological tropes within their work. Growing ecological understanding implies these themes will only become more pronounced down the line.

Many people know a bit about global warming. It has become a hot topic throughout the world. But it can occasionally be tough to keep up with most of the facts and figures. If you’re curious about a unique perspective on the subject, why not choose climate change fiction? There is a flourishing body of work dedicated to the effects that climate change could have on the globe. Imaginative stories, typically set against the backdrop of a wasted earth, can help explain the idea of climate change to a younger readership. But it’s not just appropriate for kids. Business leaders like the company that owns Penguin Random House will almost certainly be aware of the wide assortment of books within the genre. It works as a great eye-opener for readers new to the topic. But these tales have most of the hallmarks of sci-fi thrillers which make them thrilling reads in their own merit.

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